Monday, October 25, 2010

Steampunks and Salads

Very excited for Halloween this weekend, especially as I've seen the Steampunk weapons at Joe & Susan's (crafted from NERF guns, patiently hand painted to detail.) And while I hope to stick within my caloric budget, I learned today that Rico's salad at Mi Cocina is a whopping 1,500 calories.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Top 5 XMU Songs of the Week

Lloyd, I'm Ready to be Heartbroken - Camera Obscura
I Can Change - LCD Sound system
On Melancholy Hill - Gorillaz
Stay Close - Delorean
Solid Gold - Golden Filter

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Across the Pond

If I were in London, and should I have an iPhone, I'd be running around the streets playing Kingmaker. How smart and interactive of an idea! Getting points that you can spend in-game, getting exercize too, and fighting for your team. I'm trying to figure out a way to work this into a revival of the Show Me Games, interactive bicycling.

Once Fable III releases, I know that I'll be back into gaming mode for a few days. Can't wait.