Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Tie Tuesday - Utah FTMFW!
Belated Music Monday: Coco Steel & Lovebomb
Bon Appétit!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Tie Tuesday - Good news, bad news
I think we all look a little bloated, (sorry dudes) too many shenanigans on Monday to roll in on Tie Tuesday without appearing a slightly puffy. (Except for Utah, of course.) Fortunately, I see Amazon Amy for a training session tonight and tomorrow. Though a weird coincidence delivered my Tudal Winery shipment today. Odd.
Downstairs Bruce is rocking the Urban Outfitters BDG black skinny tie, we learned why Utah only has white ties, and Adame in a kickass Claiborne that this picture doesn't do justice.
Yup, another Brioni on the Gfunk - had NO idea that it's blue (not black) until Matty took a hi-def snap. But really, I'll I'm thinking about is where I'll be in 48 hours. Boo ya!

We are thiiiiiiiiis much closer to launching Flip Flop Fridays. (Stick your thumb and forefinger a millimiter apart and scream OH YEAH!) Just waiting on the go-ahead from the man.
And now, sadly, I have to report that Downstairs Bruce informed me that they're taking a summer hiatus from Tie Tuesdays. *gasp* WHAT? Apparently our collective tie mojo is just too much for those dudes on three. C'est la vie Brucey-boy, but I ain't a quitter.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Double Dose of Music Monday - The Vaccines & Anberlin
"Post Break-Up Sex" by The Vaccines.
A British band, currently touring North America with the Artic Monkeys, are pretty good stuff. Kudos to Adame who also heard this for the first time coming into work today. You can learn more about them right heeeeeere: http://www.thevaccines.co.uk/us/home/
And here's your double dose of awesomeness, a little ditty by a band called Anberlin called "Impossible". This will be a good one at the gym, I can just tell.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Tie Tuesday

Wacky little Brioni number that looks like a Jackson Pollock, paired with a polka dot top and jeans. I even have a small pompadour and chunky earrings. Mixed feedback on the awesomesauce of the ensemble, but I heart it. I mean, check out this tie!

Adame is rocking a Tommy Hilfiger, very niiiiiiiice. Utah has a lovely pearlescent Croft & Barrow, classic. Waiting on the rest of the dudes to roll in. Happy Tie Tuesday.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Music Monday - Triple Threat!
Someone fed me rum balls in my sleep, I'm almost positive. That's the story I'm going with anyway. I'm indecisive, so I'm going to pick three songs for today's MM. "You can't do that G!" Oh yes, I can. It's my bloggy blog.
1) "Eyes Be Closed" by Washed Out. If you're feeling beachy, ready for a vacation to - oh, I don't know... ST THOMAS! (11 days!) - then this song is for you. Moby-esque. Could easily be a substitute for any of the chilltastic tunes you'll hear this summer by the pool.
2) "Whirring" by The Joy Formidable. For my artsy reader, take a look at the video. Someone put A LOT of effort into this. The song is cool, gets stuck in your head though, so be careful. (Not stuck in your head like a "Come Sail Away" or "I'm blue da ba dee" but still catchy.
3) "Echoes" by Klaxons. Here's one for a fast drive into the sunset. And yes, I heard this first on XMU, not from Need For Speed. Drummer is pretty radical.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Music Monday - Lykke Li, "Little Bit"
She very well might be from the moon, Lykke Li has been dominating the XMU waves for quite some time. While I was planning to post Fleet Foxes "Lorelai" (which I reserve the right to do so at a later date,) this is a little bit weird and catchy, great way to start the week, not to mention the dude in what looks like lederhosen rocking out in the living room.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
FINALS! Ham Sandwich vs. Trampled By Turtles
Saturday, May 7, 2011
ROUND FOURTEEN - Sex With Strangers vs Ham Sandwich
ROUND THIRTEEN - Friendly Fires versus Trampled By Turtles
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
What I learned today - Month of April
Sorry for the delay (to my three readers), but with any luck I will be a new Mac laptop owner this evening! Weeeeeeeee!
• Be nice to American Airlines crew and they'll upgrade you to first class
• I don't know how to spend $10,000,000
• G g g g g g g glynie and her jets!
• Bernie might be related to Gary Coleman
• Don't argue with Kelvin at lunchtime
• Tils is a word. Lits is not.
• They don't take out bad kidneys when you get a new one.
• Delete your sent email.
• Rugen can roll down windows.
• American Airlines doesn't give points to companions. Booooo.
• Adame has a duuuuuuuuumb bordation.
• Name of the blonde singer in the Muppets… Janis!
• Barbara and her hubby are uber mystery shoppers.
• Things about net cumulative stuff.
• The right of prima nocta
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Belated Music Monday - The Knife
I know, I know... you are still waiting on the results from the corner finals.
My home PC officially died, I'm in the process of purchasing a Mac, been travelling a lot and still don't have my iPad2 yet (surprisingly, Glo went down and bought one yesterday, so there's that. Mom FTMFW!) So, haven't had a moment to really review the music and blog back.
I DID however have some fantastic truffle Mac n Cheese at the Four Seasons in Miami last night. So, we're making progress on the ultimate fancy pants foodie search.
In the interim, enjoy this song by The Knife called "You Make Me Like Charity".
"It's super cute and fun to drive!"