Friday, November 30, 2012



Okay, so here's the deal-o. The whole crew went out to lunch and on the way back, JJ was talking about the show he watches "American Horror Story" (AHS) and how great it is; people in a mental institution run by nuns and a doctor who stole a lesbian and rapes her... et cetera.  I told him that I'm not a horror fan. (That's an understatement.  I think I had nightmares for weeks after seeing Stephen King's "IT".  I remember "Ernest Goes to Camp" was scary for some reason too.  Seriously, I. Don't. Do. Horror.)

So I'm doing my googlies and my reader feed came up with something on AHS.

Me: (shouting over cube walls) Hey JJ, weren't you saying something about AHS earlier today?
JJ: Yeah, why? (He walks over to my cube.)
Me: There's something here about Dylan McDermott and a Bloody Face?
JJ: Wait what? Dylan McDermott is Bloody Face?
Me: Uh, I don't know. This just came into my reader feed.
JJ: G, you totally just spoiled the entire season for me. (chuckling with frustration.)
Me: I did?  OHMIGODIMSOSORRYIHADNOIDEA! (slams palms on the screen so he can't see anything)
JJ: Well, it may not be true, right? Don't worry about it.
Me: (pretty sure it's true since there was a photo accompanying the article) Uh, yeah maybe. I'm REALLY sorry!
JJ: Sorry that you ruined my life? This is like, the only show I watch. (he's still chuckling in the JJ way he does, and isn't super angry, but I feel awful and totally ruined it for him.)
Me: You can spoil something for me! Like a book or something.
JJ: Yeah okay. You bring in a book and read the first half and then I'll read the last chapter to you outloud.

I have to go to spoiler alert jail and be punished. Hopefully not by nuns in a mental institution. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

15 Gangstas Have Recomended Me

Click to see this... oh, and Fred's title is awesome.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Has Four Wheels and Goes

I recently bought a new car, a VW Jetta who I have named Johann. He speaks with a high German accent, is very punctual and loves to sing beer drinking songs. (Yes, I give my cars personalities. I do the same with my plants. It's my thing.)

Johann has a true European shift where reverse is all the way over to the left and up. This is the exact opposite of Hubster's truck (whose name is Fruck and has very little personality. Quite stupid actually.)  So driving between the two of them can get confusing. Take this petite tête-à-tête as an example:

Me: (getting behind the wheel of Fruck) Wait. Which way do I rewind this again?
Hubs: (confused, sipping on frappachino) Wha?
Me: Rewind. How do I rewind the Fruck?
Hubs: You can't rewind the Fruck. 
Me: Yes you can. It's the opposite of Johann. Which way is that?
Hubs: (laughing) Oh you mean REVERSE!
Me: (not laughing) That's what I said.
Hubs: No, you said REWIND, two different things. 
Me: Well it makes more sense than reVERSE! I didn't sing a verse to begin with, so I don't need a RE-verse. I drove. I didn't really WIND anything to RE-wind. Though I did drink some WINE recently so that could make closer sense. 
Hubs: Stop. Just stop.
Me: I guess what it really should be is reDRIVE. I'm driving, now I'm driving the other way, I'm re-driving!
Hubs: Right and back.
Me: Wha?
Hubs: Take the shift and go right and back.
Me: Oh. Why didn't you say that to begin with?
Hubs: It's going to be one of those days, isn't it?
Me: (triumphantly pulling out of the parking space) Yup!

Music Monday - "All I Want for Christmas" performed by Olivia Olson

Where is she now?  Voicework in Phineas and Ferb. Nice!

Tis the season to watch this mooooovie. Fa la la la laaaaa la la la la!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Double Music Monday - "The Black Jack White" by Spirit Animal

I'm bored on a Friday evening, Hubster has gone to bed mega early and I am flipping channels. Up comes CSI: NY, which I don't actively watch but do enjoy. Something stops me... it's a ridiculously good, head banging dance jam.

Not even out until 2013. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Music Monday - "Different" by Robbie Williams

Who has been listening to the new RW album non-stop? ME!  I understand that this is going to be the next single released.  Not what I would have chosen, just means I'll have another music monday posting.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

I'm Talking about YOU NamNamNams and M3!!!

I am mildly amused and concerned for my team.  Apparently someone thinks Mac & Cheese is a vegetable and Baked Brie is a bread.

Really? I mean REALLY?

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The One Where Parul Tells Me What I Can Eat and I Trick Her

From: Parul
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 10:37 AM
Subject: A thought about food

If it comes from a plant eat it, if it made in a plant don’t! 

Just a thought :)

From: G
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 11:08 AM
To: Parul
Subject: RE: A thought about food

What about seaweed?  It’s a plant, but dried out in a plant?

From: Parul
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 11:13 AM
To: Eckert, Glynis
Subject: RE: A thought about food


From: G
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 11:16 AM
To: Parul
Subject: RE: A thought about food

Kettle potato chips?

From: Parul
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 11:17 AM
To: Eckert, Glynis
Subject: RE: A thought about food


From: G
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 11:56 AM
To: Parul
Subject: RE: A thought about food

Chocolate covered pretzels?

From: Parul
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 12:40 PM
To: Eckert, Glynis
Subject: RE: A thought about food

No and NO

From: G
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 12:42 PM
To: Parul
Subject: RE: A thought about food

No chocolate? Wow Parul, that’s harsh!

From: Parul
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 12:43 PM
To: Eckert, Glynis
Subject: RE: A thought about food

Sorry :(
5 ingredients or less…

From: G
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 12:48 PM
To: Parul
Subject: RE: A thought about food

Flourless Chocolate Cake
1.      4 ounces fine-quality bittersweet chocolate (not unsweetened)
2.      1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter
3.      3/4 cup sugar
4.      3 large eggs
5.      1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder plus additional for sprinkling

Music Monday (Belated) - "DANCE" Justice

Chosen by M3.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I Beg Your Pardon

Ford Prefect left me a voice message last night (in Arnold Schwarzenegger's voice... I nearly wee'd when I heard it this morning) that he needed something for his boss and in lieu of chatting on the phone, he came up for a visit.

I'm not sure how it started, but we started talking about Erasure's song "L'amour" and how we used to dance in middle school. So I pulled it up on Youtube and we had a nice little dance in my cube. Once the song was over, we played New Order's "Bizarre Love Triangle" and eventually settled in for business.

Then before leaving me to go back to the 3rd floor, he pulled up this song. I wish it was a Music Monday.