Funny how a simple prop in a film can be the catalyst for a plot direction.
The Red Stapler - Office Space
What would this movie be without Milton Waddums, the squirrely looking guy who mumbles a lot, and his beloved Red Swingline Stapler. He clearly told someone on the phone that if they took his stapler he would set the building on fire. And there you go...
The Pirate Ship Revenge - Princess Bride
I'm going to go out on a limb here, but I think that even though we never really see the ship, without it, this movie could not happen. It saves Wesley from certain death, brings him fortune and the chance to come back to save Buttercup, provides the escape they need, and a final home for Inigo after completing his life mission.
The Phone - Run Lola Run
Simple red phone (I'm sensing a theme with colors here) that sets each distinct Zwanzig Minuten in play. Could they have done it differently? Sure thing. In fact, I'm sure Lola and Manni wouldn't have had nearly as many issues if the iPad was available then.
Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Not only is it the best drink in the known Universe, but provides Zaphod & Ford the breakthrough needed to get the journey started. While I'm not recommending the effect of having one's brains smashed out by a slice of lemon... wrapped around a large gold brick; I do advocate that in social situations where parties have not seen each other in a long while, and some frustration has lingered over a period of time, a good stiff drink can truly bring people back together. Stephen Hawking would dig it.
While there are many, many more that could be discussed, I rather like the idea of challenging myself over the next week to find the unsung hero in four other movies. Seemingly small items, or props, can change the course of a story. And effecting change in a positive direction is always a good thing.
it's the small things we often take for granted!
Iconography is where it's at. Just think, who would Freddy be without the glove?
I seriously don't think Office Space is the same movie without the red stapler!!!
I totally agree that a good stiff drink will bring people together...or at least get them talking. Now whether they remember it the next day is whole other story. So would Twilight be the same without vampires?
Or Labyrinth without the stair case. It is the little things that make the movie great! (ahhhh...and the leather pants).
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