How I have been dreading this bracket. How can one vote off either of these bands of goodness? Chris suggested I go by music videos only... le sigh. Perhaps by the eff-ability chart? Most beats per minute? This is going to be tough - ergo, It's 3:30 in the morning, I'm on my second wave of drunkenness (therefore, sober again with a beer in hand) - let us rock and roll.
She Wants Revenge
1) I Don't Want To Fall In Love - Oh, kind of disappointing. Like a poor man's Depeche Mode. This is early SWR, so apparently it took time for them to find their groove.
2) Red Flags & Long Nights - I think I saw them perform this live. It sounds a little familiar. Spacey. I wonder if the band has Google alerts, and if so, whether this blog popped up for them - would they be amused by the competition? Right, back to the song... "You can rent the space inside my mind, at least until the price becomes too high." S'okay.
3) A Little Bit Harder Now - The Isley Brothers this ain't.* I could see a time and place for this song, but I don't know that it is actually a dance floor. Not really something I would download. But a MUST for all my dominatrix friends.
Ham Sandwich
1) Animals - You remember that dude who went Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm from Crash Test Dummies? Well this is where he ended up! No, seriously. This is sweet and lovely, but also with a great hook and fun beats. (Maybe I shouldn't blog at 4:44 in the morning, not very eloquent, am i?)
2) Never Talk - The lead singer is actually in a new octave for this one, sounds like her true register and I like it. Though, I do feel that the drummer is falling behind in the beats. I could see myself rocking out to this in high school, but the mature me is a little "meh". "My heart, my sleeves (?), my head, my hands - everyone says this love won't last" Nice ending with a group-crowd chorus, which I always enjoy.
3) The Naturist - Oh damn, now this is a song I can get behind. "I liked you better with your homemade haircut and then she goes cuts your favorite t-shirt." I am so downloading this. There is passion and a story behind this one and I wish I knew what it was. Would love to see this live.
Oh She Wants Revenge, how sad I am to do this to you, but Ham Sandwich takes the proverbial cake. Their awesomeness is making me think that a great way to spend Memorial Day Weekend vacation is a trip to Ireland... srsly. Liked the live version of The Naturist so much, I'm going to post it for Music Monday. Congratulations Ham Sandwich, you have a new fan, and on your way to the finals of Best Band Name at SXSW 2011.
Up Next: The Quarter Finals... Friendly Fires versus Trampled By Turtles
*Now wait a minute... A little bit softer now, a little bit softer now, a little bit LOUDER now...
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