Context: I’m on the Social Committee and am
reporting the winners of the holiday raffles happening today. There are quite a few people who really
REALLY want to win a new iPad or a gift certificate. I feel for them, I do. But with 800 employees and only 30 gifts, the
chances are rather slim. I got this
email in my Social Committee inbox….
From: Mrs. Flight
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 1:45 PM
To: Social Committee
Subject: RE: Flexjet 2012 Raffle
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 1:45 PM
To: Social Committee
Subject: RE: Flexjet 2012 Raffle
Mrs. Claus?
If you have any compassion in
your heart, you will pull my name from the drawing bowl.
I have never “won” anything at X
– been here a long time – and have been really good this year!
If I don’t win, then I am going
to revert back to my ole “bad ways” and enjoy myself !!!!
Any questions, Mrs. Claus?
Your “Good” Girl Downstairs
From: Social Committee
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 1:47 PM
To: Mrs. Flight Attendant
Subject: RE: Flexjet 2012 Raffle
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 1:47 PM
To: Mrs. Flight Attendant
Subject: RE: Flexjet 2012 Raffle
GG Downstairs,
Unfortunately I have zero hand
in picking the winners. That task was left to Mama Christmas herself, Ms.
X (President). Sadly, I only report the wins (of which I am ineligible.) L
I feel your pain GG Downstairs. Let’s crack open a bottle of wine and go
ahead and be bad.
Mrs. Claus
From: Mrs.
Flight Attendant
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 1:51 PM
To: Social Committee
Subject: RE: Flexjet 2012 Raffle
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 1:51 PM
To: Social Committee
Subject: RE: Flexjet 2012 Raffle
We are sad to report that the
former GG Downstairs has left the building and gone back to her lascivious ways
(and she’s old enough to know what that word means) !!
She asked not to be contacted
unless: (1) she FINALLY won something or, (2) a chilled Santa Margehrita
Pinot Grigio was left in an ice bucket outside her door!!
Take that, Mrs. Claus
Executive Assistant to the
former GG Downstairs
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