Thursday, March 13, 2014

SXSW BBN R7 - In-Flight Safety vs. Bearcubbin'!

When I saw Bearcubbin'! listed as a SXSW performer, I giggled and knew they had to be in the competition for best band name. Not as awesome as Ham Sandwich, but up there. And as for In-Flight Safety? Let's just say I added them for my aviation friends.

In-Flight Safety
"Model Home"
I'm actually not sure if this is rock, alternative, folk or pop. It's a quasi-mixture that is not easily identifiable. Much like Imagine Dragons, I can see them as an indie band that makes it on the Top 40 and thus gets a confusing label. This song appears to be four years old, but still the most popular on iTunes. You know how when you listen to "Nothing Compares To You" and Sinead's voice is so spot-on, but still brings you down? A little like that.

"Down Buttermilk Road"
Straight off the bat, I have to admit my weakness for great drummers. First love of my life was/is a drummer - and exceptional one at that - so when this song began I was a little biased. There is an element of Ingrid Michaelson as they record and loop in other instruments and elements. There are no vocal elements in this song. (I cheated and listened to a few other high popularity songs by them on iTunes... they are instrumental only.) The song is long... a little too long for my tastes.

Good band and great talent, but I'm going to have to go with...
In-Flight Safety.

Won't it be interesting if In-Flight Safety has to square off against Air Traffic Controller?

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