Monday, May 12, 2014

Music Monday - Shazam Samples

I've been Shazaming* a lot lately. Whether it's in the car listening to KKXT or watching a movie and hearing something interesting, I'm a big fan of the Shazam. Here's a sampling from the last week.

This is a fantastic song + it has a flippin sweet accordion jam. Never thought I would have written that, but it's true.

Here's something a little different. I think it's the second Spoon song that I've found on KKXT. At this point, I really should just buy the album.

A little gem that you probably haven't heard:
(No video *sad face*)

It's a "Hard Act to Follow" (see what I did there?) but each time I hear this song, it brings very specific thoughts to my mind.

I am not a huge Cure fan, most of my moody 80s music is Depeche Mode...

Hope you enjoy.

*Is that a word? If not, it should be.

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