Wednesday, January 28, 2015

It is always interesting when you order the second bottle

In sixth grade, Johnny wanted to be my boyfriend. He had the chin dimple of John Travolta and an absolute swagger of Mick Jagger. He was cute. And fun. He was the guy that girls wanted to be with and the dude guys wanted to know.

I wanted to be with Ed, the head of the drum line. I settled for Johnny because he was his best friend.

I don't remember when I first started dating Johnny (meaning, when we first held hands. Our dating adventure never left middle school grounds to an "actual" date. It was all wrapped up in 8 am  to 3 pm class romance.)

I vaguely remember breaking up with Johnny. Though, I couldn't tell you the words I said, even if I remembered.

I wanted Ed. I wanted the leader of the drum line. I wanted the boy who was indifferent and does not recognize me.

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