Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Starting off the day

Clearly my colorful personality and influence is rubbing off on Parul.
The girl used to always wear monochrome black and white, maybe some khaki if she was feeling adventureous. But behold! RED! In a ridiculously flattering cut.
I think we are only five months away from seeing green or tie-dye.

And I decided to have a cup of coffee since I'm feeling all blargy.
Trish saw me pour the work Starbucks into a stryo...


And KelBel is back from Bean Town and brought us back an awesome gift.
It's a long way... to the shop... if you want a lobstah rooooooooll!
How cool is a pencil with lobstahs all over it, then a big gummy lobstah on the end?

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