Friday, April 9, 2010

Networking & Nepotism

From an article on
But it's not just business owners who are reaping the rewards of network strategy. Women in corporate America, too, know that when it comes to making big career jumps, their Rolodex is much more valuable than the help wanted section. The U.S. Department of Labor reports that only 5 percent of people obtain jobs through the "open" job market, while 48 percent win their positions through referrals.

More than half of open positions are filled from referrals... I cannot say I am surprised, since all but my very fist job out of college were via a referral or foot in the door.

My rolodex is not massive, but healthy, and I keep in touch with many people from various work/school activites. In fact, I'll be lunching with previous co-workers this afternoon at Twisted Root. Between LinkedIn, this blog, Twitter and Facebook I have established an online presence. So now the question remains, where is the next opportunity and who do I know that may connect me?

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