Friday, April 2, 2010

The Meaning in Work

After a challenging day, I sat down in the kitchen with a glass of wine to try and settle my mind. So many various things kept popping into my mind that needed to be addressed. Work. House. Bills. Health. Friends. Exercise. Organizing. Family. Marriage. Hobbies. Und so weiter und so fort.

Whether from sibling psychicness or random happenstance, my brother called at that moment to check in and talk. Without going into detail, he made a recommendation that I listen to the Mosaic podcast led by Erwin McManus.

Video and podcast can be found here:
Reality Check: Making It Work For You
There is a brief introductory spot, then operatic short production, then his presentation.

For anyone who has a job, is looking for a job, a small business owner, a freelancer, people who love their job, who hate their job, anyone trying to find meaning in their work... this is the discussion for you. What is the meaningfulness of work and how meaningful is that in your life?

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