Friday, March 14, 2014

SXSW BBN 2nd Bracket - Paranoid Castle vs. The Harpoonist & The Axe Murderer

The second set of bands to make the initial cut are Paranoid Castle and The Harpoonist & The Axe Murderer

 I gave Paranoid Castle a little grief in their first round for Weed Man; I'm pleased that they made it through so that I could experience "Feeling Inside". If Kirby Dominant went up against some slam poets I know, he would (as his last name states) dominate! SF Bay based, I'm reminded of Saul Williams but with a prettier melodic voice. He really likes champagne, so send him a bottle of Veuve Clicquot.

Blues duo Shawn Hall and Matthew Rogers create a sound of five or six members, but they play everything from drums, guitar, harmonica and vocals themselves. The lack of bass is apparent, but I cannot imagine how they create what they do between just the two of them. It's harsh and hard blues. They're Canadian, eh? I really hope Matthew hasn't murdered anyone with an axe.

Tough call. But I'm going to award it to Paranoid Castle. 

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